[HELP] Server crash on linux

im try only with the actualizardata(playerid) just for testing, and add if(!gstats) { fcreate(FILE_NAME); }
and the linux crashe again.

public actualizardata(playerid)
  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey] == 255)
	return 1;
  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey] <11 )
	return 1;
  new chave;
  new str[128];
  new File:gstats;
  new day,month,year;
  chave = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPhousekey];
  format(str, sizeof(str), "Casa Nє%d",chave);
  new sstr[128];
  format(sstr, sizeof(sstr), "Casa Nє%d Data: %d.%d.%d \r<br>\n",chave,day,month,year);
  gstats=fopen(FILE_NAME, io_append);
  if(!gstats) { fcreate(FILE_NAME); }
//  fdeleteline(FILE_NAME,str);
  fwrite(gstats, sstr);
  return 1;

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Server crash on linux - by telmo_ferreira - 16.11.2011, 22:37
Re: [HELP] Server crash on linux - by Calgon - 17.11.2011, 03:13
Re: [HELP] Server crash on linux - by MP2 - 17.11.2011, 07:02
Re: [HELP] Server crash on linux - by telmo_ferreira - 17.11.2011, 12:45
Re: [HELP] Server crash on linux - by telmo_ferreira - 17.11.2011, 14:19
Re: [HELP] Server crash on linux - by teste - 06.12.2011, 18:38

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