16.11.2011, 19:03
deram 12 Erros Izac
C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(519) : error 017: undefined symbol "tmp" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(519) : error 017: undefined symbol "idx" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(520) : error 017: undefined symbol "tmp" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(522) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GRAD2" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(527) : error 017: undefined symbol "ReturnUser" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(528) : error 017: undefined symbol "tmp" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(528) : error 017: undefined symbol "idx" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(529) : error 017: undefined symbol "tmp" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(536) : error 017: undefined symbol "giveplayer" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(536) : error 017: undefined symbol "giveplayer" C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(536) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Documents and Settings\Winxp\Meus documentos\GTA SAMP\meu\gamemodes\meu.pwn(536) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line