TCadmin or GameCP

ok i vote for TcAdmin the staff are real nice and they well even instill TcAdmin for you FOR FREE gamecp they well not your just get run abouts i have gamecp now and miss it up and no one there wants to help me at all all they keep saying is go to the wiki i want there more then one time and i could not get one word of it gamecp had ******* videos but there is only one now iam saying this because i can say that i have now had both and if you do a ****** search on what one is much better hands down all over the place it's TcAdmin look at your votes that right there gots to say it all the only reason why i do not have TcAdmin any more is because i could not pay for it any more but iam going to get it back because it's one so much better two there support is the best and trust me iam not just saying that i know i do not know what ESL to say about them they are just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better that's all i gots to say about it i hope this helps you now gamecp is hosting is a little less but overall TcAdmin rocks That's All Thanks Again From Tom_Fox Server_Owner Of Tom's Games Servers

Messages In This Thread
TCadmin or GameCP - by payton326 - 02.10.2011, 19:49
Re: TCadmin or GameCP - by int3s0 - 02.10.2011, 19:55
Re: TCadmin or GameCP - by payton326 - 02.10.2011, 19:57
Re: TCadmin or GameCP - by array13 - 02.10.2011, 19:58
Re: TCadmin or GameCP - by payton326 - 02.10.2011, 20:01
Re: TCadmin or GameCP - by sam1929 - 13.11.2011, 21:23

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