
Originally Posted by EthanR
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So what? they also claimed our server was the reason for their whole node being completely owned. After we switched servers we're completely DDoS free even though volt claimed we're the reason of the whole DDoS.
Fact is volt talked shit before investigating so we would possibly buy a dedicated server off them (profit $$$$$).
We're now completely lag, DDoS, and problem free. (with JiHost)

Have fun being asked to buy a dedicated server if you're the next reason why Volt is being DDoSed into eternity.

EDIT: Oh, and to crush your dreams of JiHost trying to put VoltHost into a bad light. I didn't have a single minute downtime on JiHost in a whole month, while VoltHost is down every third day. Figure yourself who's better. JiHost has all the right to claim that volt has problems. It's true.
Originally Posted by Destiney Rodricaz
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If you had even seen the stuff we have been thru with volt for the past year pretty much, you would understand how bad it really is. If i could post all of my support ticket logs to you, i definately would. I would show you the disrespect and non compliance of their support, and just how terrible their service really is.

For someone who sells samp hosting to pretty much like 35% of the whole samp world, you think they'd offer DDoS protection on their servers, but they dont, its just a stock server sitting at a data center. I've never seen servers without atleast some kind of DDoS protection.

Now also my volt host account is suspended due to terms of service because i demanded my money back. Seriously 1 day and they shut my shit off after its been paid for 4 months for 2 servers? How would ya'll feel if that happened to you.

If you'd actually like to see just how horrible the support from Mark and MisterTickle is, don't hesitate to PM me! I'll definately show you what its like.
When my dedicated server went down (OS issue) it took TruckingWorld down with it. We temporarily moved to Volt-Host, and were instantly met with support tickets being almost immediately replied to (though there was only ever two(?)). Volt-Host is easy to setup (for me at least) and is brilliant in terms of stability and ping. I had no problems with Volt-Host on my short stay, and even being a new customer, I recieved better support than I did from my data-centre's old technician (who was eventually fired due to general incompetence) whom I had numerous contact with.

My recommendation, is hosting yourself through a VPS or even a dedicated server, though if you are to go for a hosting company, I would certainly recommend Volt-Host.

Messages In This Thread
Volt-Host - by Chriham3 - 23.10.2011, 22:32
Re: Volt-Host - by =WoR=Bruno - 23.10.2011, 22:47
Re: Volt-Host - by James.Clement - 23.10.2011, 22:56
Re: Volt-Host - by Chriham3 - 23.10.2011, 23:05
Re: Volt-Host - by sherlock - 23.10.2011, 23:26
Re: Volt-Host - by James.Clement - 24.10.2011, 00:14
Re: Volt-Host - by =WoR=Bruno - 24.10.2011, 00:28
Re: Volt-Host - by WG Chinn - 24.10.2011, 00:37
Re: Volt-Host - by iLinx - 24.10.2011, 00:44
Re: Volt-Host - by [L3th4l] - 24.10.2011, 01:44
Re: Volt-Host - by 4Brothers - 24.10.2011, 17:52
Re: Volt-Host - by Destiney Rodricaz - 12.11.2011, 18:18
Re: Volt-Host - by knightice - 12.11.2011, 18:22
Re: Volt-Host - by JiHost - 12.11.2011, 18:23
Re: Volt-Host - by Michael@Belgium - 12.11.2011, 18:25
Re: Volt-Host - by Riddy - 12.11.2011, 18:25
Re: Volt-Host - by knightice - 12.11.2011, 18:26
Re: Volt-Host - by Destiney Rodricaz - 12.11.2011, 18:33
Re: Volt-Host - by Hal - 12.11.2011, 20:48
Re: Volt-Host - by array13 - 12.11.2011, 21:02
AW: Re: Volt-Host - by EthanR - 13.11.2011, 00:56
Re: Volt-Host - by [94]Shady - 13.11.2011, 01:08
Re: Volt-Host - by RBTDM - 13.11.2011, 03:46
Re: Volt-Host - by Astralis - 13.11.2011, 06:17
Re: Volt-Host - by [KING]Electronic - 13.11.2011, 11:32
Re: Volt-Host - by Astralis - 13.11.2011, 11:38
Re: Volt-Host - by Destiney Rodricaz - 13.11.2011, 15:08
Re: Volt-Host - by Destiney Rodricaz - 13.11.2011, 15:13
Re: Volt-Host - by Ash. - 13.11.2011, 15:22
Re: Volt-Host - by Raul_MartinezX3 - 13.11.2011, 15:33
Re: Volt-Host - by Camacorn - 13.11.2011, 15:36
Re: Volt-Host - by Destiney Rodricaz - 13.11.2011, 15:43
Re: Volt-Host - by iLinx - 13.11.2011, 18:34
Re: Volt-Host - by ColorHost-Kevin - 13.11.2011, 18:59
Re: Volt-Host - by Michael@Belgium - 13.11.2011, 19:00
Re: Volt-Host - by Riddy - 13.11.2011, 19:26
Re: Volt-Host - by iLinx - 13.11.2011, 20:31

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