What poss is my building at?

Hey. Im following a tutorial.((This)) And Im trying to make a new /enter place. And I have one problem. When he types /enter, I guess he will come to the interior I want. ((If this is not the tutorial I need for this, please say from.)) And I guess
is setting he in the buildning((Interior))
But how can I enter the interior to find out the poss of where I want the player to enter and /exit?
I will need to find out where the poss IN the building I trying to make a /enter for?
Thanks if any know.((EDIT: <--- I think I found out of this one, I will try it.))

A question.
Can I make custom interior and then make it as a interior and then he can enter that interior?

Sorry for my bad English. English is NOT my first language.

Messages In This Thread
What poss is my building at? - by Noner - 10.11.2011, 13:49

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