How to get the next value of a specific item?

Hey all, I'm wanting to have something done for a future project on my server upcoming however I'm kind of lost here.

It's my first time ever doing something like this before, I've attempted once though slightly failed. I don't know where though, all code looks correct, just confusement between ID's happens :S

** Snip

What this code is suppose to do is suposed to find the next valid value to search at. It works perfectly fine though after dropping some items and going back to the menu and clicking a ID it confuses up.

I have been thinking that it would be the listitem value since it changes after a item is deleted.



If I delete ITEM 2 it'll show like this


... So on

If I manage to have at least 5 items and delete the 2nd item then reclick on the first and second item. They get confused.

Basically ITEM 1 becomes ITEM 2 and ITEM 2 becomes itself (ITEM 2)

Very hard to explain though I hope I find someone that understands me :S
After I know this I can start making private parties on my server :3

I offer reputation to the one with the closest answer possible to the solution.

Messages In This Thread
How to get the next value of a specific item? - by Lorenc_ - 10.11.2011, 09:29
Re: How to get the next value of a specific item? - by iPLEOMAX - 10.11.2011, 10:31
Re: How to get the next value of a specific item? - by Lorenc_ - 10.11.2011, 19:18
Re: How to get the next value of a specific item? - by Lorenc_ - 10.11.2011, 19:59

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