Gamemode not updating

SO, Now I download ANY Gamemode.
NOTE: The server is LOCAL, Not internet.
In the CFG. I update the RCON pass, set the announce to (1) and I change the hostname of course.

BUT! I goto the gamemodes folder, and open the notepad to edit some stuff..
I edited EVERYTHING and made it much better, and save and everything.

I did not remove any credits in the gamemode also..

ok, so now I saved it, I restart the server ALOT OF TIMES, and still no changes at all..


Messages In This Thread
Gamemode not updating - by _Khaled_ - 10.11.2011, 08:09
Re: Gamemode not updating - by MP2 - 10.11.2011, 08:11
Re: Gamemode not updating - by jiwan - 10.11.2011, 08:12
Re: Gamemode not updating - by _Khaled_ - 10.11.2011, 08:21
Re: Gamemode not updating - by Stigg - 10.11.2011, 08:39
Re: Gamemode not updating - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 10.11.2011, 08:50
Re: Gamemode not updating - by [GOD]Dragonster82 - 10.11.2011, 08:53
Re: Gamemode not updating - by _Khaled_ - 10.11.2011, 08:55
Re: Gamemode not updating - by Stigg - 10.11.2011, 08:57
Re: Gamemode not updating - by _Khaled_ - 10.11.2011, 09:07

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