[FilterScript] Vehicle Behavior Updates Filterscript Vol. 1.0

Vehicle Behavior Updates Filterscript Vol. 1.0

Hey! This is another filterscript by me. It is all about vehicles. It adds new features to the way the vehicles act.

Features in V. 1.0:

*Tires pop after you burnout for 7 seconds. (Incredibly accurate!)
*Hotwiring when stealing a car. 
*Seatbelt function
 -Checking for a seatbelt if you're a police officer
 -If you haven't put your seatbelt on, you take damage when you crash while driving a vehicle
*Engine failiure on vehicle crash (If the vehicle has little health left). You can get the vehicle to work again by hotwiring the car again.
*Hotwiring includes a good-looking progress bar
*If you take damage while putting your seatbelt on, you fail at putting it on.
I will add more functions as I update the script.

*To hotwire a vehicle press your forward key then your backwards key then your forward key again and so on.
*To put your seatbelt on hold your submission key.
*To do a burnout hold your forward and your backwards key at the same time (NOT CREATED BY ME, GTA-SAN ANDREAS FUNCTION)

Video: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cQ95NgbDog[/ame]

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/jPuXEVAz

Downloads are below.

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