Loading/Stay within the world boundaries

This happens when..
i) No Player Classes were added.
ii) SetGravity is is too high.
iii) Setting the players position too far out the map.
iiii) Setting the players velocity too high.
iiiii) Spawning a boat on water. (Quite rare but does happen)

Messages In This Thread
Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by wups - 02.11.2011, 12:09
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by Kar - 02.11.2011, 23:37
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by corne - 02.11.2011, 23:47
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by Psymetrix - 03.11.2011, 00:26
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by leong124 - 03.11.2011, 09:31
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by Lorenc_ - 03.11.2011, 10:57
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by iNorton - 03.11.2011, 16:52
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by Kingunit - 03.11.2011, 17:25
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by Tudor23 - 03.11.2011, 20:40
Re: Loading/Stay within the world boundaries - by wups - 03.11.2011, 21:27

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