High numbers.

Hi samp-people

I got an problem In my script:
new BankCash[MAX_PLAYERS];

But people seem to reach the max int dolars(about
is there a way to make it an bigint or solve my problem with an second variable?

Messages In This Thread
High numbers. - by ikkentim - 01.11.2011, 23:13
Re: High numbers. - by SuperViper - 01.11.2011, 23:24
Re: High numbers. - by ikkentim - 01.11.2011, 23:28
Re: High numbers. - by Sascha - 01.11.2011, 23:31
Re: High numbers. - by ikkentim - 01.11.2011, 23:35
Re: High numbers. - by Sascha - 01.11.2011, 23:42
Re: High numbers. - by ikkentim - 01.11.2011, 23:43
Re: High numbers. - by ikkentim - 02.11.2011, 09:51
Re: High numbers. - by cessil - 02.11.2011, 10:56
Re: High numbers. - by ikkentim - 02.11.2011, 22:41

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