30.10.2011, 20:24
ok so how would i make it that the cars stay spawned instead of disappearing after a certain length of time
My housing filterscript supports this, but with extreme caution. That option should only be used for private LAN-servers with a very small amount of players. I don't even use it on my own test-server with only 2 players (me and my son).
But I added it to the script because people keep asking about it (but they'll soon turn it off after getting complaints about lost vehicles).
Let's say your server has 100 active players and each one has 2 houses with 10 cars per house.
That's a total of 100 players x 2 houses x 10 cars = 2000 cars.
So you've reached the samp limit already.
Also, when you start the server, there are already 290 mission vehicles.
So you've gone way over the limit with those 2290 vehicles.
The last 290 vehicles will never be created and your players will go very mad and leave your server.
Just because they bought a car and never got it because you reached the samp limit, which cannot be increased.
They'll think your server is bugged and try to buy a new vehicle, which will also fail.
Eventually they'll leave.
So leaving vehicles spawned isn't a good idea.
Unless you really create houses with a max level of 2 (to allow a maximum of 2 cars per house).
Even then you could reach the limit after you got 500 accounts, each with 2 houses and 2 cars per house.
Then you'll have the same situation (500 players x 2 houses x 2 cars = 2000 cars).