26.10.2011, 16:29
Why didn't you use #include <Double-O-Files_2> instead of copying the whole file..?
Oh, after looking through your code...
It will not work at all...
There's so much wrong with this...
Oh, after looking through your code...
It will not work at all...
There's so much wrong with this...
pawn Код:
IsMafiaOwnerBase(mafia[], basename[])
if(basename[] == mafia[]) // What the fuck. This won't work...
SetMafiaViceLider(name[], mafia[])
new mafiainfo[64]
format(mafiainfo,sizeof(mafiainfo),"mafia/%s.info.ini",mafia[]); // You can't use mafia with [] in here...
dini_Set(mafiainfo, "MafiaViceLider", name[]);
return 1;