22.10.2011, 23:51
scripts which can handle weather, time and locations, are rare. i also searched some time ago, and found 0 suitable. either the weatherchanges makes me wanna /puke, or the time is synced shitty, or its always global. maybe you want a realtime weather, which syncs to the RL weather? i dont know when exactly the smooth watherchanges got introduced, but they can be tricky to script, but its worth the effort!
to learn how to script a smooth weatherchange each server hour (at different locations maybe), you need to know how to:
to learn how to script a smooth weatherchange each server hour (at different locations maybe), you need to know how to:
- run a very fast timer to sync it properly with the clock (weather changes look good then)
- set the weather for a single player (1 loop in a callback)
- (maybe) calculate positions on the map, pointing to a certain weather(zone)