Best Color for Admins when going on Duty?

What is the best color for admins when going on duty?

Just tell me what it is called, I got a color picker which gets be the RGB codes

Messages In This Thread
Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by seanny - 22.10.2011, 20:09
Re: Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by lordturhan - 22.10.2011, 20:18
Re: Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by Retardedwolf - 22.10.2011, 20:24
AW: Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by Drebin - 22.10.2011, 20:27
Re: Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by grand.Theft.Otto - 22.10.2011, 21:29
Re: Best Color for Admins when going on Duty? - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 22.10.2011, 21:53

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