Update the Wiki


I have seen that the SA-MP Wiki entry from the server.cfg is outdated.

I have entered "varlist" in my Rcon Console and than this came out:


Console Variables:
announce = 0 (bool)
bind = "" (string) (read-only)
filterscripts = "base" (string) (read-only)
gamemode0 = "test" (string)
gamemode1 = "" (string)
gamemode10 = "" (string)
gamemode11 = "" (string)
gamemode12 = "" (string)
gamemode13 = "" (string)
gamemode14 = "" (string)
gamemode15 = "" (string)
gamemode2 = "" (string)
gamemode3 = "" (string)
gamemode4 = "" (string)
gamemode5 = "" (string)
gamemode6 = "" (string)
gamemode7 = "" (string)
gamemode8 = "" (string)
gamemode9 = "" (string)
gamemodetext = "Test Gamemode" (string)
gravity = "0.008" (string) (rule)
hostname = "SA-MP 0.3d Server" (string)
incar_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
lanmode = 0 (bool)
logqueries = 1 (bool)
logtimeformat = "[%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S]" (string) (read-only)
mapname = "San Andreas" (string) (rule)
maxnpc = 1 (int)
maxplayers = 50 (int) (read-only)
myriad = 0 (bool)
nosign = "" (string) (read-only)
onfoot_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
output = 0 (bool)
password = "" (string)
plugins = "" (string) (read-only)
port = 7777 (int) (read-only)
query = 1 (bool)
rcon = 1 (bool)
rcon_password = "113039093" (string)
sleep = 5 (int)
stream_distance = 300.000000 (float)
stream_rate = 1000 (int)
timestamp = 1 (bool)
version = "0.3d RC6" (string) (read-only) (rule)
weapon_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
weather = "10" (string) (rule)
weburl = "sa-mp.com" (string) (rule)
worldtime = "16:00" (string) (rule)

There's much thats not in the Wiki.

Greets, Zunno

Messages In This Thread
Update the Wiki - by Zunno - 22.10.2011, 14:13
Re: Update the Wiki - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 22.10.2011, 14:17
Re: Update the Wiki - by Zunno - 22.10.2011, 14:21
Re: Update the Wiki - by Dear` - 22.10.2011, 14:28
Re: Update the Wiki - by rbN. - 22.10.2011, 17:04
Re: Update the Wiki - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 22.10.2011, 17:10
Re: Update the Wiki - by Steven82 - 22.10.2011, 17:23
AW: Update the Wiki - by Meta - 22.10.2011, 17:50
Re: Update the Wiki - by KingHual - 22.10.2011, 18:29
AW: Re: Update the Wiki - by Meta - 22.10.2011, 21:07

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