Anyone Interested in making a Prison Roleplay server

Hi Guys
Before we start i wanna make 3things clear:
1) This is not a GF edit.
2)this server is NOT using Raymond script,that old script was 0.3b,nor 0.3c script.
3.)If you are NOT interested better don't post,i know people gonna whine about this.

As,you all heared i'am Working on a Prison Roleplay GM,i named it Los Santos Prison Roleplay,since it's based on LS and i need,Suggestions so yeah..
I Want:
Legal faction Suggestions
Answer to question " Should i add business?" if Yes,then what KIND?
Escaping systeme
and More...

I Don't want this to be a FAIL,thats why i need your suggestion so people doesn't get bored
Yes,i'am Serious .

Prison Mainhall,cells etc..

Prison guards HQ

Isolation cells.

Cafeteria,(you can see prison shop door)

And More,i'm just too lazy to upload alot of pics,i might make a video.

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