19.10.2011, 00:07
You're going to have to use DINI / YINI or something else to write registered player's data to a notepad file / text editor file.
Before they disconnect, you would need to write to their userfile destination, like mysampserver\scriptfiles\userfiles\bobby234.sav or something.
You also need to make an enumeration (like PlayerInfo / pInfo / pData / etc...) and set those values to 1 (true) so the server knows you want to save their colour on disconnect.
This value will save into their userfile, therefore on next connect, the player colour should load from their userfile (the .sav notepad file).
Search around for some tutorials, hope you understood.
Before they disconnect, you would need to write to their userfile destination, like mysampserver\scriptfiles\userfiles\bobby234.sav or something.
You also need to make an enumeration (like PlayerInfo / pInfo / pData / etc...) and set those values to 1 (true) so the server knows you want to save their colour on disconnect.
This value will save into their userfile, therefore on next connect, the player colour should load from their userfile (the .sav notepad file).
Search around for some tutorials, hope you understood.