[Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily


I wanted to share a small Bash script that made to easily install new SA-MP servers (latest version according to files.sa-mp.com).

Here's the link : http://pastebin.com/ZPGdQ8dn

How to install it
- Check if you have "Lynx", if not install it (apt-get install lynx on Debian, Ubuntu or any Debian based distro).
- Create a new file called samp_install.sh (or like you want) and paste the code in it.
- Make the file executable (by doing chmod +x samp_install.sh for example).
- Done.

Have fun installing SA-MP servers with one command !

Messages In This Thread
[Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by R@f - 17.10.2011, 21:46
Re: [Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by JiHost - 17.10.2011, 21:50
Re: [Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by Tenshi - 17.10.2011, 23:44
Re : [Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by R@f - 19.10.2011, 00:20
Re: [Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by Tenshi - 19.10.2011, 05:03
Re : Re: [Bash script]Install a new SA-MP server easily - by R@f - 20.10.2011, 20:24

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