Missing an Include or Plugin?

Look at the top of the script.
thi includes should be up there.
Just look for the name on ******.
Like: sscanf.inc etc.

Messages In This Thread
Missing an Include or Plugin? - by ToPhrESH - 15.10.2011, 19:21
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by [MWR]Blood - 15.10.2011, 19:22
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by whitedragon - 15.10.2011, 19:24
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by ToPhrESH - 15.10.2011, 19:33
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by MichaelNerd - 15.10.2011, 19:46
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by ToPhrESH - 15.10.2011, 20:10
Re: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by MichaelNerd - 15.10.2011, 20:24
Respuesta: Missing an Include or Plugin? - by kirk - 15.10.2011, 20:52

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