Why the objects just delete

Let me guess you added that objects in FS and you loaded that fs with rcon command but you didnt add your fs in server.cfg...

If so than i guess your server restarted (maybe crashed and get auto started again by script from host or whatever)

Messages In This Thread
Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:07
Re: Why the objects just delete - by [MWR]Blood - 15.10.2011, 18:09
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:13
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Unte99 - 15.10.2011, 18:16
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:21
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Unte99 - 15.10.2011, 18:22
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:25
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:31
Re: Why the objects just delete - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 15.10.2011, 18:40
Re: Why the objects just delete - by Chris_Morrison - 15.10.2011, 18:52

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