Money is mutliplying

So i think ive messed up here somewhere and ive tried editing GivePlayerMoney to Setplayermoney but it says it in undefined. Here is what i have right now what causes the players money to double everytime they spawn.

Here is on spawn

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    if( PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ] == 0.0 && PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ] == 0.0 )
            RPos = random( sizeof ( RandSpawns ) );

        SetPlayerPos( playerid, RandSpawns[ RPos ][ 0 ], RandSpawns[ RPos ][ 1 ], RandSpawns[ RPos ][ 2 ] );
    else SetPlayerPos( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pLastX ], PVar[ playerid ][ pLastY ], PVar[ playerid ][ pLastZ ] );
    GivePlayerMoney( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pMoney ] );
    return 1;
And dialog for when you log in.
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
	new File[50];
	format(File, sizeof(File), PFiles, pName(playerid));
		case LOGIN:
		        if(strlen(inputtext) == 0)

					format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), ""#CBLUE"Welcome back: "#CDGREEN"%s(%d)\n"#CBLUE"Enter your password to login:", pName(playerid), playerid);
					return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""#CBLUE"Login", iStr, "Login", "Leave");
    			if(strcmp(inputtext, dj(File, "Password", 40), true) == 0)
		        	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, "You are now logged in!");
		        	GivePlayerMoney( playerid, PVar[ playerid ][ pMoney ] );
					PVar[playerid][pKills] 		= djInt		(File, "Kills");
					PVar[playerid][pMoney] 		= djInt		(File, "Money");
					PVar[playerid][pDeaths] 	= djInt		(File, "Deaths");
					PVar[playerid][pLevel] 		= djInt		(File, "Level");
					PVar[playerid][pMuted]      = djInt     (File, "Muted");
					format(PVar[playerid][pMutedReason], 52, "%s", dj(File, "MutedReason"));
					PVar[playerid][pLastX]      = djFloat	(File, "LastX");
					PVar[playerid][pLastY]      = djFloat	(File, "LastY");
					PVar[playerid][pLastZ]      = djFloat	(File, "LastZ");

Messages In This Thread
Money is mutliplying - by manchestera - 15.10.2011, 08:19
Re: Money is mutliplying - by SmiT - 15.10.2011, 08:21
Re: Money is mutliplying - by Sinner - 15.10.2011, 08:47
Re: Money is mutliplying - by manchestera - 15.10.2011, 08:56
Re: Money is mutliplying - by Buzzbomb - 15.10.2011, 10:01

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