Saving Kills/deaths Issue


I have a problem in my script.It doesnt saves players kills and deaths when they disconnect or server gets restart.
It shows 0 kills and deaths when they come again i want it to save anyone please help.

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)

	#if Leavemessages
	new PlayerName[30], string[256];
	switch (reason)
 		case 0:
			GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
			format(string, 256, "%s has left the server (Timeout)", PlayerName);
			SendClientMessageToAll(leavemessagecolor, string);
		case 1:
			GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
			format(string, 256, "%s has left the server (Leaving)", PlayerName);
			SendClientMessageToAll(leavemessagecolor, string);
		case 2:
			GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
			format(string, 256, "%s has left the server (Kicked/banned)", PlayerName);
			SendClientMessageToAll(leavemessagecolor, string);



Please anyone fix it !

Messages In This Thread
Saving Kills/deaths Issue - by Gtarokerzz - 12.10.2011, 02:35
Re: Saving Kills/deaths Issue - by Kush - 12.10.2011, 02:55
Re: Saving Kills/deaths Issue - by Yamoo - 12.10.2011, 02:57
Re: Saving Kills/deaths Issue - by Gtarokerzz - 12.10.2011, 03:00
Re: Saving Kills/deaths Issue - by Yamoo - 12.10.2011, 03:03

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