11.10.2011, 22:06
Yes, my script has fixed house-interiors, hardcoded in the script. That won\'t change.
But I\'m also not trying to compete with yours either. I\'ve seen a tutorial how to create houses about 9 months ago and started writing my own housing system. I\'ve tested some interiors, but some are bugged (like the house where you needed to save the girl from fire in single player game). This interior has some missing textures and collisions. I\'ve just taken 10 interiors that worked without bugs and hardcoded them. I like to create everything myself, as I found out other people\'s code can be hard to follow and most of the time, bugs are present, which are hard to fix too if you can\'t follow the coding system of someone else. I\'m not saying your script has bugs in it (I\'ve never tested it). |