MySQL bug at some variables..

Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
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Make it like

Adminlevel= '%d'
or Banreason= '%s'

it may work

so use '%s' '%d' with the ' '
That won't be necessary. Single quotes are necessary with strings only.

Do what Sergei says and feel free to set more values in one query. There's no trouble having a query with 400 characters, just make sure your string has enough cells.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sreadon - 08.10.2011, 11:57
AW: MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Tigerkiller - 08.10.2011, 12:29
Re : MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sreadon - 08.10.2011, 12:35
AW: MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Tigerkiller - 08.10.2011, 12:38
Re : MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sreadon - 08.10.2011, 12:42
Re: MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sergei - 08.10.2011, 15:54
Re: AW: MySQL bug at some variables.. - by AndreT - 08.10.2011, 16:00
Re : MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sreadon - 08.10.2011, 16:01
Re: MySQL bug at some variables.. - by AndreT - 08.10.2011, 16:03
Re : MySQL bug at some variables.. - by Sreadon - 08.10.2011, 16:12

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