Restart,Respawn Cars and Players.

Well, if you are restarting the server, all players and cars will be respawned anyway? There is a rcon gmx feature, but that won't load your filter scripts. A quick way to do this would be to do a box restart. Or, you can script it to where it loads filterscripts under GameModeInit.

Messages In This Thread
Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by Sting. - 08.10.2011, 12:49
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by Jafet_Macario - 08.10.2011, 12:56
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by .:Kaos:. - 08.10.2011, 12:58
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by Sting. - 08.10.2011, 13:01
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by .:Kaos:. - 08.10.2011, 13:05
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by Sting. - 08.10.2011, 13:13
Re: Restart,Respawn Cars and Players. - by .:Kaos:. - 08.10.2011, 13:22

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