[C/C++] 4 little C questions (I'm using Win32 API)

1 - How do I remove the "s (Doublequotes) in a string, in C, using WinAPI ( Because the lpszArgument returns the filename with the quotes )
2 - Why
wincl.hIcon = LoadIcon (NULL, "pawn.ico");
doesn't work, and it's still loading the normal icon?

3 - How do I open a program and give some params to it?

4 - How do I edit the Windows Registry and make that all ".amx" files will open with my program, will have my custom icon and will have my custom description? ( <--- This is one of the most urgents, because I searched on ****** but no results found)

Please reply as soon as possible

Messages In This Thread
[C/C++] 4 little C questions (I'm using Win32 API) - by Sasino97 - 06.10.2011, 16:59
Re: [C/C++] 4 little C questions (I'm using Win32 API) - by [L3th4l] - 06.10.2011, 17:21
Re: [C/C++] 4 little C questions (I'm using Win32 API) - by Sasino97 - 06.10.2011, 17:48

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