[Map] Little Army Base and more

Some mapping failures. Again strcmp is something not new. What's the point in giving it a map name when it's a filterscript?
if (strcmp("/army1", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
did you just copy/paste that cause it is really not the way you do it.
if (strcmp("/army1", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1326, 500, 17);
		GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 9999999);
		return 1;
What's the point in giving the weapon? And army bases don't need a command, anyway not bad for a first release.
I suggest you stop caring about the scripting, just release the MTA map and let others care about the script they want to script and if they want dynamic or simple objects. If you want to be more helpful just give the coordinates to others.

Messages In This Thread
Little Army Base and more(EASY SCRIPT) - by James Coral - 04.10.2011, 12:01
Re: Little Army Base and more - by suhrab_mujeeb - 04.10.2011, 13:44
Re: Little Army Base and more - by James Coral - 04.10.2011, 13:50

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