[Tutorial]Starting Up A Successful Server


Some cash handy is always really helpful in situations when you want to buy hosted list or renew your server! Cant run a server without this! If your playerbase is big enough, you could think about setting up a donation system!

It isn't really helpful.
It's a must. Merely because you're going to need as much as you can get! Think about it, without money, you can't host anything...
Which means you'll then want to home host
Which means you'll then come here, finding out how to port-forward

And so on and so forth.

If you can, I recommend purchasing a dedicated server (or high-spec VPS) - because then you are bound by limits set by noone but yourself. However, I'd only recommend this if you have a serious amount of time on your hands, as it does require much more management than a hosted server.

Messages In This Thread
[Tutorial]Starting Up A Successful Server - by Jack_Rocker - 02.10.2011, 07:49
Re: [Tutorial]Starting Up A Successful Server - by Ash. - 02.10.2011, 08:10

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