[FilterScript] V_Click By (V_LOPE) [Version 1.0] [Useful Admin Script]

Originally Posted by Habdel
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Yes i did
Show Me Your Server_Log

EDIT: It Work For Me Fine Just Put Here Your Server_Log.txt

EDIT 2: Did You Put The Fs in Your Filterscript Folder. And Put it In Server.cfg at Filterscript line?

Messages In This Thread
V_Click By (V_LOPE) [Version 2.0] [Useful Admin Script] [Updated] - by V_LOPE - 30.09.2011, 14:10
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by Habdel - 30.09.2011, 14:12
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by V_LOPE - 30.09.2011, 14:14
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by iMonk3y - 30.09.2011, 14:16
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by V_LOPE - 30.09.2011, 14:18
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by V_LOPE - 30.09.2011, 14:21
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by Habdel - 30.09.2011, 14:23
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) [Version 1.0] [Useful Admin Script] - by SourceCode - 30.09.2011, 14:23
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by V_LOPE - 30.09.2011, 14:25
Re: V_Click By (V_LOPE) - by Habdel - 30.09.2011, 14:28

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