3D animation software???

3DS Max, its really good, movie productions use it. For example the movie 2012 used it to make the buildings, and all the crap explode and shit. pretty cool effects.

This is my first object ever that I made in 3DS max, I did it when I just started to learn how to use it.
Yes I know that the camera is far from the object I regret that, and I lost the project :/


Messages In This Thread
3D animation software??? - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 27.09.2011, 18:57
Re: 3D animation software??? - by cessil - 28.09.2011, 02:04
Re: 3D animation software??? - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 28.09.2011, 03:18
Re: 3D animation software??? - by Mark_Weston - 28.09.2011, 05:30

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