Where could i find a image like...

Hello,i have a project for my school wich represents the "Mondial Week Of Peace".
Does anyone know where can i find a image with two armies heading one to another?Or do you have any other ideeas?

I've searched ****** 1 hour in archieves and etc but i didn't find anything.

Messages In This Thread
Where could i find a image like... - by SkizzoTrick - 22.09.2011, 14:29
Re: Where could i find a image like... - by Max_Coldheart - 22.09.2011, 14:31
Re: Where could i find a image like... - by iPLEOMAX - 22.09.2011, 14:33
Re: Where could i find a image like... - by SkizzoTrick - 22.09.2011, 14:33

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