VIP command making...

hi ... after talking about a good VIP system , i decided to make vip commands and add them to my lux admin system myself... but there is a problem... i need an example to get started cause im very noob in scripting... can somebody make /flare command for lux admin as a filter script? so when a VIP member type that, RED_FLARE object spawns in his charecter,s body?

Messages In This Thread
VIP command making... - by maziar_gholipour - 22.09.2011, 12:44
Re: VIP command making... - by aRoach - 22.09.2011, 13:04
Re: VIP command making... - by maziar_gholipour - 22.09.2011, 13:33
Re: VIP command making... - by aRoach - 22.09.2011, 13:35
Re: VIP command making... - by maziar_gholipour - 22.09.2011, 13:59

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