/duty command

Like mmrk did, you can use PVar's. You can also use variables to store the player's last weapons/skin too. Here, try storing the weapons in a variable this time instead of PVars:

pawn Code:
// top of script

new WepBeforeDuty[MAX_PLAYERS];

// place this in your /onduty script BEFORE the player gets the minigun and other weapons

WepBeforeDuty[playerid] = GetPlayerWeapons(playerid);

// when the player types /onduty again (to go off duty)

The above should give you the weapons they had before (maybe the exact same ammo too but I don't know for sure).

All together, the /onduty command should look like this:
pawn Code:
    #pragma unused params
    if (AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1)
        if(AccInfo[playerid][OnDuty] == 0)
            SetPVarInt(playerid, "Skin", GetPlayerSkin(playerid)); // added
            AccInfo[playerid][OnDuty] = 1;
            WepBeforeDuty[playerid] = GetPlayerWeapons(playerid); // getting their weps BEFORE it sets to minigun
            return SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"You are now in Duty Mode");
            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, GetPVarInt(playerid, "Skin")); // Added
            GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,WepBeforeDuty[playerid]); // giving the weapons back that we used above ^
            AccInfo[playerid][OnDuty] = 0;
            return SendClientMessage(playerid,orange,"You are now Off Duty");
    return ErrorMessages(playerid, 5);

Messages In This Thread
/duty command - by ThamburaaN - 20.09.2011, 21:43
Re: /duty command - by Stigg - 20.09.2011, 21:50
Re: /duty command - by Kingunit - 20.09.2011, 21:53
Re: /duty command - by ThamburaaN - 21.09.2011, 00:29
Re: /duty command - by mmrk - 21.09.2011, 00:46
Re: /duty command - by grand.Theft.Otto - 21.09.2011, 01:22
Re: /duty command - by ThamburaaN - 21.09.2011, 02:12
Re: /duty command - by grand.Theft.Otto - 21.09.2011, 22:49
Re: /duty command - by ThamburaaN - 22.09.2011, 01:20
Re: /duty command - by Davz*|*Criss - 22.09.2011, 10:24

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