[Include] CreateChangeVeh v0.2 || (Change veh like in MTA, with pickup)

Hi people. :P
Here is the second version of my include.
Well, with that you can change the vehicle like in MTA, with pickups.

CreateChangeVeh(PickupModel, NewCarID, X, Y, Z,"Text");
-PickupModel: the pickup model, for example 1317.
-NewCarID: the new vehicle model ID.
-X,Y,Z: coordenates.
-"Text": you can put for example the name of the new vehicle.

NOTE: The max pickups are 500, you can change this value opening the include and adjusting MAX_PCambio.

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <CVeh>

public OnFilterScriptInit()
start_sveh(); // <- VERY IMPORTANT!
CreateChangeVeh(1317, 568, -1278.9349,8.3187,14.0159,"Bandito"); //It'll give one Bandito.
CreateChangeVeh(1317, 411, -1269.6934,-0.9024,14.0159,"Infernus"); //It'll give one Infernus.
return 1;
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/20/43925054.jpg/ <- NEW screenshot, v0.2
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLofTgdU7qE[/ame] <- OLD video, v0.1


-Me, irinel1996.

That's all.
Remember, that's v0.2

Best regards!

Atte. irinel1996

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