20.09.2011, 16:14
- Favourite scripter? Y_Less
- Favourite script released? YSI
- Favourite betatester? JaTochNietDan and JernjeL
- Favourite moderator? All the moderators
- Favourite topic? A lot, like "Post your Desktop", "The most dangerous moment", and my one "Discussion about school", and a lot of others.
- Favourite SA:MP version? 0.3d (Waiting for Official Release!!)
- Favourite SA:MP function? GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z); CreateExplosion(X, Y, Z, etc..);
- Favourite SA:MP feature? Driveby with all weapons
- Favourite SA:MP callback? OnPlayerDeath
- Favourite plugin? Audio Plug-in, and EasyBMP Plug-In
- Favourite include? OPSP(Wups)
- Favourite filterscript? Textdraw Editor(Zamaroht), Hold Studio(Slice)
- Favourite gamemode? The GameMode Maker GM by NaS
- ADDED: Favourite SAMP-Related Application: GangZone Maker (The one by Gamer[Some Numbers]), Race Script Creator, and my Teleport Maker
(Even if i never use it XD)
- Favourite plugin author? Gamer_Z, Incognito, Y_Less
- Favourite filterscript author? Zamaroht, Slice
- Favourite include author? Wups
- Favourite gamemode author? Nas
- EDIT: More helpful persons? Kalcor and The SA-MP Team, Y_Less, Gamer_Z, Gamer[Some Numbers], Wups, iPLEOMAX, Hiddos, JaTochNietDan, [ISS]Jumbo(For his awesome maps
- Most useless person? The author of this (MUST SEE!): https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=270131