17.09.2011, 21:55
1 GB RAM, a Pentium 4 CPU, and ATI 9550
I'm pretty sure Windows 7 runs just as fine on that - a friend of mine installed Windows 7 on an 1.6GHz Pentium 4 with 512 MB of RAM and a 64MB old NVidia video card and even if it ran without Aero, all games that did ran before ran at the same amount of FPS, and some even higher. My primary laptop has a Celeron M550 @ 2.0GHz, 2 GB of RAM and a 384MB integrated Intel graphics card and everything is so much faster than on XP. No, Windows XP hasn't got better performance than Windows 7, unless you're on an ancient computer. My nine-year-old desktop runs Windows 7 fine! Also, the friend I talked about earlier, with his 512 MB of RAM, can still run GTA: SA on medium settings at an acceptable framerate with Winamp, uTorrent and Firefox in the background without any noticeable lag. For gaming atleast 1.5GB? I say bullshit, good sir. |
Remeber if you want i can recorder my screen with about what i said.