"re"-define BasicFonction

you can hook the functions and if a function is called you can save money in a verriable but the best think is if you use a include

Messages In This Thread
"re"-define BasicFonction - by Sreadon - 17.09.2011, 18:13
Re: "re"-define BasicFonction - by JaTochNietDan - 17.09.2011, 18:17
Re: "re"-define BasicFonction - by [MWR]Blood - 17.09.2011, 18:17
Re : "re"-define BasicFonction - by Sreadon - 17.09.2011, 18:19
Re: "re"-define BasicFonction - by Tigerkiller - 17.09.2011, 18:39
Re: "re"-define BasicFonction - by TheArcher - 17.09.2011, 19:28

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