Hospital system, How would it work?

A quick script I wrote, it compiled, untested though:
pawn Код:
// Hospital filterscript by Mean.
// When you die, you get teleported to hospital and stay in there for the specified amount of time.
// Use wisely.

#include < a_samp >

static died[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

#define PUB:%1(%2) forward %1(%2); \
                   public %1(%2)
#define HOSPITAL_TIME      60 // In seconds. Default = 60.
#define MSG_ENTER_HOSPITAL "You almost died due to a heavy medical problem. The doctors saved your life."
#define MSG_EXIT_HOSPITAL  "You have recovered from your injuries. You have been released from the hospital."

public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
    return died[ playerid ] = 0, true;

public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
    return died[ playerid ] = 1, true;

public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid ) {
    if( died[ playerid ] == 1 ) {
        // Set interior and position to the hospital.
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, MSG_ENTER_HOSPITAL );
        SetTimerEx( "hospitalrelease", HOSPITAL_TIME * 1000, 0, "i", playerid );
        died[ playerid ] = 0;
    return true;

PUB:hospitalrelease( playerid ) {
    SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, MSG_EXIT_HOSPITAL );
    return SpawnPlayer( playerid ), true;

Messages In This Thread
Hospital system, How would it work? - by Dokins - 16.09.2011, 13:13
Re: Hospital system, How would it work? - by =WoR=Varth - 16.09.2011, 17:56
Re: Hospital system, How would it work? - by Mean - 16.09.2011, 18:26

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