Unknown command on this script.

Originally Posted by MisterTickle
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Put Printf's on each individual line to wean it down to one specific line.
Okay it stopped at:
pawn Код:
strmid(CarInfo[car][vOwner], tmp, 0, strlen(tmp), 255);
If i change the players name to what it is in CarInfo[car][vOwner] then it does the command, so like if I changed Henrys name to Bob, then it would change his name to Bob but stop at that code ^. But then if I changed Bob back to Henry, it would work 100%..

Messages In This Thread
Unknown command on this script. - by Jack_Leslie - 16.09.2011, 05:56
Re: Unknown command on this script. - by MisterTickle - 16.09.2011, 06:16
Re: Unknown command on this script. - by Jack_Leslie - 16.09.2011, 06:21

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