15.09.2011, 21:04
Last edited by PowerPC603; 15/09/2011 at 11:15 PM.
i get this error ?
pawn Code:
Just place "stock" (without the quotes) in front of those functions.
Then they won't be compiled if they're not used, and you won't get those messages.
Another way to fix this:
Copy the function StripNewLine from the include-file "dutils.inc" (supplied by the samp server package) into the filterscript and remove the #include <dutils>
The function StripNewLine is the only function used from that file anyway, no need to include a whole file filled with extra functions that aren't used.
Are you sure you've properly installed the required plugins?
Also make sure you've created the PPC_Housing folder in your scriptfiles folder.
If you didn't add that directory, the script can't save the data and will crash your server.