13.09.2011, 20:29
sorry for double posting but:
i've tested your include,and here the results:
thats all
you should fix them.
i've tested your include,and here the results:
Include -Result Left CTRL - Mouse1 Right CTRL - Right CTRL Left Shift - Right CTRL Enter - Enter F - Enter Right Shift - Nothing Delete - Mouse2 CapsLock - Mouse2 Right Enter - nothing Q - Nothing E - Nothing W - Nothing S - Nothing Right Alt - Nothing Left Alt - Alt NUMPAD1 - Mouse3 NUMPAD4 - NUMPAD4 NUMPAD6 - NUMPAD6 \ - TAB TAB - TAB Mouse1 - Mouse1 Mouse2 - Mouse2 Mouse3 - Mouse3 Space - Space End - Nothing C - C NUMPAD0 - Mouse1
you should fix them.