22.08.2006, 02:15
I got another computer running here (400mhz P2, lol) and was finaly able to test properly. Fixed a few bugs. Including a bug that stopped everyone from gaining xp 
Link update on first post. Get it there.
21.08.06: 0.11:
* added: passive health regeneration, based on player level
* added: basic cheat detection for money cheats
* added: /version command, just displays gamemode version to player
* changed: freeze player on Auto Kick
* changed: auto kick player on bad password, for security against brute force;
* changed: '/save' changed to '/savechar' due to /save already being restricted as samp debug command
* changed: player colours no longer set to grey
* changed: level xp list harder, more xp needed for each level
* fixed: stupid bug that caused no one to gain any experience at all.. fuck hey
* fixed: static debugcode checks to check at compile, not runtime (thanks ******)
* fixed: a money sync issue with money cheat protection (no gambling support yet)

Link update on first post. Get it there.
21.08.06: 0.11:
* added: passive health regeneration, based on player level
* added: basic cheat detection for money cheats
* added: /version command, just displays gamemode version to player
* changed: freeze player on Auto Kick
* changed: auto kick player on bad password, for security against brute force;
* changed: '/save' changed to '/savechar' due to /save already being restricted as samp debug command
* changed: player colours no longer set to grey
* changed: level xp list harder, more xp needed for each level
* fixed: stupid bug that caused no one to gain any experience at all.. fuck hey
* fixed: static debugcode checks to check at compile, not runtime (thanks ******)
* fixed: a money sync issue with money cheat protection (no gambling support yet)