[FilterScript] Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0

Very nice Filterscript for your first. Keep it up man.
I'd suggest using
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse
To make a dialog box and adding the weapons and the cost there. I can help you sometime, just send me a PM. It'll be better so you wont have to use 10 commands.

Messages In This Thread
Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0 - by lordturhan - 12.09.2011, 10:02
Re: Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0 - by rangerxxll - 12.09.2011, 10:03
Re: Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0 - by lordturhan - 12.09.2011, 10:10
Re: Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0 - by rangerxxll - 12.09.2011, 10:13
Re: Lords Weapon Commands! 1.0 - by lordturhan - 12.09.2011, 10:14

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