Teleportation [Need Help]

Use SetVehiclePos it will teleport the vehicle with players inside. (if i remember correctly) If it does not port the player use "PutPlayerInVehicle" too.
pawn Код:
SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 2257.3301,2498.6348,1.7257);

Messages In This Thread
Teleportation [Need Help] - by Karl1195 - 06.09.2011, 09:49
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by FireCat - 06.09.2011, 09:57
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by wouter0100 - 06.09.2011, 09:58
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by iggy1 - 06.09.2011, 10:14
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by Karl1195 - 06.09.2011, 11:00
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by =WoR=Varth - 06.09.2011, 15:43
Re: Teleportation [Need Help] - by Karl1195 - 06.09.2011, 15:45

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