[Include] Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN]

Originally Posted by thiaZ_
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The quake sounds files are actually included in /audiopacks/ everyone would be able to replace sounds with different ones. (Though clients files would have to be updated then)
Oh, maybe you should create an extra mini-update with a configuration setting for which kind of sounds you would want? Maybe 1 = Male, 2 = Female

Messages In This Thread
Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by thiaZ_ - 05.09.2011, 21:33
Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by Gforcez - 05.09.2011, 21:39
Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by Toni - 05.09.2011, 21:43
Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by wouter0100 - 05.09.2011, 21:44
AW: Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by thiaZ_ - 05.09.2011, 21:45
Re: AW: Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by Toni - 05.09.2011, 21:49
Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by Fires - 05.09.2011, 21:54
AW: Re: AW: Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by thiaZ_ - 05.09.2011, 21:58
Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by Toni - 05.09.2011, 22:10
Re : Quake sounds for SA-MP [AUDIO PLUGIN] - by [Ask]Terminator - 05.09.2011, 22:23

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