04.09.2011, 13:51
pawn Код:
public DMTimer()
DMTime --;
new tmp[256], Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
format(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s", TimeConvert(DMTime));
TextDrawSetString(Text:Time, tmp);
format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "~b~Policias: ~w~%d ~r~Bandas: ~w~%d", ctscore, ttscore);
TextDrawSetString(Text:scoretext, tmp);
if (DMTime == 0)
if(ctscore > ttscore) { GameTextForAll("~w~ The round is over, ~b~Policias ~w~win.", 3000, 5); }
else if(ttscore > ctscore) { GameTextForAll("~w~ The round is over, ~r~Bandas ~w~win.", 3000, 5); }
else if(ctscore == ttscore) { GameTextForAll("~y~ The round is over, ~y~Draw.", 3000, 5); }
for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i ++)
GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
PlayerPlaySound(i, 1062, X, Y, Z);
SendRconCommand("changemode cs2");
GameTextForAll("~w~Server:~r~ Loading Next map",5000,4);
return 1;
Aquн tienes los distintos sonidos: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SoundID