Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please.

Well there's your problem, you're trying to assign an integer to an array, if you're trying to store it in a specific cell, then you need to specify the cell in which to store it. Also what's with the extra brackets?

I recommend you check up on the PAWN documentation over at Compuphase which will teach you the basics.


I'd rather not give you the answer straight up because then you won't really be learning anything, if you read the documentation and start from the beginning, then you will understand the problem, as this is quite a basic problem.

Note: Even if you didn't have errors, your code would not work like this at all, not the way you're intending it to work.

Messages In This Thread
Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please. - by Dokins - 03.09.2011, 19:39
Re: Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please. - by JaTochNietDan - 03.09.2011, 19:55
Re: Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please. - by Dokins - 03.09.2011, 19:58
Re: Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please. - by JaTochNietDan - 03.09.2011, 20:08
[No subject] - by Dokins - 09.09.2011, 16:04
Re: Loading Factions MySQL, Assistance please. - by Voldemort - 09.09.2011, 20:57

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