Gamemode for beginner

Originally Posted by Improvement™
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I would suggest you to make some kind of "Test Server" and search for functions on SAMP wiki that you haven't experienced with and just experiement on that server. Also don't forget to experiement with Callbacks also.
Wow thanks for those two sources Improvement. Also the little tips you gave. This will help me get started on learning those. Thanks Again!

Messages In This Thread
Gamemode for beginner - by Ridiux - 03.09.2011, 10:45
Re: Gamemode for beginner - by [HiC]TheKiller - 03.09.2011, 10:51
Re: Gamemode for beginner - by Improvement™ - 03.09.2011, 10:53
Re: Gamemode for beginner - by Phoenix_Roleplay - 03.09.2011, 13:30

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