Custom Skins Plugin

Ok,i'm using this

After watching the tutorial like 10 times...I was able to understand what i needed to do and how.

-I got the webspace.
-Uploaded the mods + the config .ini file through FTP.
-Registered the server successfully.

Problem is,when i start SA-MP,the download window appear(The download of the custom skins) but dont start,and i get the following error "Server Registered,but unavailable".

Any clues about this?I'm pretty sure i did all right.I tried 2 different webhosts and still same error.

Thx in advance

Messages In This Thread
[Help]Custom Skins Plugin "Server Unavailable" - by =WoR=Bruno - 02.09.2011, 02:50
Re: Custom Skins Plugin - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 02.09.2011, 03:26
Re: Custom Skins Plugin - by =WoR=Bruno - 02.09.2011, 04:34
Re: Custom Skins Plugin - by =WoR=Bruno - 04.09.2011, 22:21

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