scripter have been asked for helping a support server for Blackturbo

I m asking for some help here i m making a Support Server for BlackTurbo's Looney but i need scripters!. I m using the gamemode SATDM_v9RE But its just need be edit. biz and House And Vehicle's Vehicle need be buyable and house's there need to be a house icon in it and need to be buyable too. Also the biz need to be buyable And we need tunned cars like what bt want to have tunned sultan's elegy flash stuff like that. Also Adminskin id 217 Memeby 216. Commands need to be edit too /rc /callcar1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5<---- Slots. I dont know this is copyright but i want this commands also /buyh buyhouse /buyv buy vehicle. Also the cars can be fix 100% if i do /godcar then the car will lose a door or somthing else go broke but its will not explode The car. Ps Do you think you ar good enough? For this job Response on this topic!! And Help me with this support server. .
(scripters will get a Rcon Rank!!)

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